Friday, June 18, 2010

The Faith and Assurance I Have in God

We were saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ and this grace was a gift from God. This has made us a new creation (workmanship), created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (see Ephesians 2: 8-10).

The Word of God instructs us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is a clear indication that being saved is not enough, but we have to grow in the knowledge of our Lord. God rewards a man according to his conduct and to the fruits of his doings. Therefore our knowledge of Christ should be effective and bear fruits.

God prepared our good works beforehand and the onus is on us to grasp them and walk in them. We can only grasp that when we are spiritually mature enough and with spiritual immaturity we have no access to what God has prepared for us. In Galatians 4:1-2 Paul wrote, “Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father.”

What this means is that when you become a child of God you have the good works that God prepared for you but until you grow to the rightful stage where you become a son of God (mature), you can’t have access to them.
Paul also illustrated this point by saying, “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal,” (1 Corinthians 3:1-2).

The book of Hebrews explains that everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

In other words, those who are mature are wise enough to discern both good and evil and they are led by the Spirit of God that knows even the depths of God. The Spirit reveals the hidden things of God. Therefore, maturity means being led by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit and living in the Spirit.

God speaks to us (his children) in a way that we are able to comprehend, hence the illustration of milk and solid food. That is why people of this world count God’s wisdom as foolishness because they cannot understand the language he speaks and they have no relationship with him. Sometimes someone may say something led by the Spirit and you fail to understand because you are still a child. I recall someone telling me that God said I should ‘separate myself’ and at that point I could not understand what the statement meant. However, as I grew in his knowledge I began to understand that message and I obey.

God speaks wisdom to those who are able to discern his wisdom. “However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,” (1 Corinthians 3:6-8).

This is the wisdom that we should yearn for. God established our purpose here on earth before time began. We need to listen to him in order to grow, meditate in his word day and night. He instructed Joshua to ensure that the Book of the Law shall not depart from his mouth, but he shall meditate in it day and night, that h may observe to do according to all that is written in it. “For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The Holy Spirit teaches us all things and guides us as we read the Word of God. This is where we draw our strength. This is where gain knowledge and wisdom to understand what God says. I have been keeping notes of the time I spend reading the Word of God it is amazing to track how I have grown from strength to strength.

There have been times when I have been challenged and my faith called into question but through the knowledge and wisdom from God I emerged a conqueror. This is confirmed by the scripture, “A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength,” (Proverbs 24:5).

The Word of God is pure and never changes, and he always fulfills his promises. Faith is not just believing God can; but it is believing that God WILL. That is why we always rejoice in his name. Listen to him when he says be thankful in ALL circumstances, he means just that. It all makes sense when you have the knowledge and wisdom to understand why you should be grateful when you are going through a painful experience.

God rewards those who earnestly seek him. I pray that we grow and eagerly wait for his wisdom and knowledge all the time. It is not a once off experience, it is a continuous journey that goes through high mountains and dark forests but we never give up because we know God will lead us through- He is our hope. This is what he says:

My son, eat honey because it is good and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste. So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul. If you have found it, there is a prospect and your hope will not be cut off,” (Proverbs 24:13-14).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliver.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is on my side, I will not fear. What can man do to me?
The Lord is for me among those who help me. Therefore I shall see my desires on those who hate me.
The Lord is my strength and song and He has become my salvation.

The Lord is your keeper. The Lord watches over you.
The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by the day or the moon by night.
The Lord is righteous; He has cut in pieces the cords of the wicked.

For I know the Lord is great.
And the Lord is above all gods.

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger and great in mercy.
The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all His works.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him; to all who call upon Him in truth.


(The is a compilation of lines in the book of Psalms and I have compiled them to praise the Lord mainly for whom He is. As long as you know who He is you will find a reason to rejoice in His name all the time no matter what you are going through. He deserves to be praised and let us praise Him for who He is!)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Supplementing Self – Control with Perseverance

Perseverance is defined as a steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief or a purpose. Until he ascended from this world, Jesus continued to preach and teach what the Father had sent him to do. He never backed down even when his authority was questioned several times.

Jesus was here to fulfill God’s purpose for us. He faithfully served God until the end. He could not stop doing his mission until he finished what God sent him to do, i.e. save the world from sin. There was a time when Jesus felt like the journey was tough for him. When he was in Gethsemane he began to be sorrowful and trouble. He told Peter, John and James, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me,” (Matthew 26:38).

When he was praying Jesus asked God to take the “cup” away from him. Being in human body, Jesus was feeling and seeing the sorrow that was about to befell him. It was a painful experience for him that he wished it could be reversed. This was his purpose and for a moment he felt like it could be reversed. Now here comes perseverance… he immediately said, “Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Even during this painful moment he persistently adhered to his purpose. Remember he said, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and FINISH HIS WORK,” (John 4:34). If Jesus was not steadfast in allowing the will of God to be done even when it hurt the most, would he finish his work?

Even thought the spirit was willing to take the pain, the body was weak. However he allowed the will of God to be done. That is why when he prayed for the second time he said “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done,” (Matthew 26:42).

Here we learn how Jesus persevered to do the will of God despite the pain he was feeling. He was steadfast in prayer. The only way he could defeat the temptation of giving up doing God’s work was prayer. When you pray, God will fulfill his purpose for you. Remain steadfast (firmly loyal, constant, unswerved). When you persevere, in addition to your ability to practice self-control, your knowledge of Jesus Christ will be effective and productive. You will realize how much he loves you through the wonderful works he will do for you.

See also

Supplementing Knowledge with Self-Control

Challenges and temptations will always be there and you need to overcome them. Discipline and self-control are essential when dealing with temptations. Your knowledge is tested when dealing with temptations and you have to use your knowledge. However, your knowledge will be worthless if you do not use it to exercise self-control.

Jesus himself faced temptation at some point and the devil used the knowledge of heavenly secrets to tempt him. Jesus resisted and the devil fled. If you resist the devil he will flee from you and Jesus is a perfect example of self-control practice in this incidence.

The devil knew that Jesus had the power to turn the stones into bread but Jesus drew from his well of knowledge and said, “It is written ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,’” (Matthew 4:4). He controlled himself from not yielding to the temptation of performing a miracle thus obeying the commands of Satan. You see, when the devil tempts you he uses your strength and power. You have to resist.

The devil realized that Jesus was using his knowledge of God and decided to use the same strategy to tempt him. When you defeat the devil on one level, he raises his standard as well. The devil used what is written in Psalm 91:11-12 to tempt Jesus. But the Lord used the word of God again and said, “It is written that you shall not tempt the Lord your God.” The truth is that God would keep the promise and send angels to catch Jesus if he threw himself from the highest point of the temple because he is as faithful God. However, Jesus controlled himself not to listen to the devil and test God’s promise.

The devil was even willing to risk everything he had if Jesus bowed down to worship him. Mind you, Jesus would have accomplished his mission to take the world away from the hands of the enemy, but he refused to worship anyone else other than God. The devil presents everything wonderful to you, and he presents the easiest options to achieve your goals but without self-control you can fall into that temptation.

You need to supplement your knowledge of the heavenly secrets with self control. In that way, your knowledge of Christ will be effective and fruitful. God will reward you with great things as you grow in knowing him.

Supplementing Virtue with knowledge

Because of our faith in Jesus, we live a righteous life. In order to reap more rewards of our virtue, we need to add knowledge to eat. We need to develop the earnest desire to know him and we shall receive the fruits of his knowledge in abundance.

Jesus asked his disciples who do people say he is and he then asked them, “But what about you, who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15). Peter replied by saying that he is the Christ, the son of the living God.

Because Peter illustrated that he has had the earnest desire to know Jesus, he was blessed and his knowledge was effective and productive. He received all the powers from Jesus and his work after the ascension is well documented in the book of Acts.

Another lesson we learn here is that the more you seek the knowledge of God, He reveals to you the mysteries that are hidden from men. For his knowledge of who Christ is, Peter received this blessing from Jesus;

“Blessed are you Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven,” (Matthew 16: 17-19).

This is it! Because Peter supplemented his virtue with knowledge, he received a powerful blessing that gave him authority to control everything on earth. More than anything he received the keys to the kingdom of heaven. He received the anointing to lead people to the kingdom of heaven.

The knowledge of the heavenly secrets is a blessing given to those who seek the kingdom of God and are walking with Jesus all the time - those who develop a close relationship with him. The disciples asked Jesus why he was speaking in parables to the crowd and he responded by saying that the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has not been given to them.

“But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear but did not hear it.” (Matthew 13: 16-17).

The revelation of the secrets of God was not given to many righteous people because they did not have the privilege of knowing Christ. If you seek to know more about the secrets in heaven, you receive your fruits in abundance. “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have in abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him,” (Matthew 13:12).

You can have faith, live a righteous life but if you do not seek the knowledge of the secrets of heaven, you even risk losing what you already have.