Sunday, November 9, 2014

Living Your Legacy

“These instructions are not empty words – they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life in the land you will occupy when you cross the Jordan River.” (Deut 32:47)

Some sobering thoughts came to mind a while back – the kind of thoughts we usually choose not to entertain. If you were told that your days are numbered, what would you tell the people close to you? What would you want to be remembered for? What legacy would you want to leave behind?

Well, someone might say, “I don’t care what people say about me, even worse when I am dead and gone!” Truth is people will have something to say about you and honestly, that should not bother you. All you have to do is to be who you are.

It matters who you are. Your character speaks volumes. People will be largely impacted by who you are than what you say. They will remember how you have touched their lives through the way you lived your own life. I often say that there is someone looking up to you and model their lives along yours. Whatever you do will mean something to them. Therefore, it is important to mind your steps in this journey called life for your sake and for their sake.

The Scripture asserts that if only people were wise they would think about their ending. For a moment let us dig from this well of wisdom and ponder over the end of our journey on this planet. People will be paying their tributes, reminiscing of the good times they spent with you. They will be narrating what a ‘good’ person you were. Question is what kind of a person will they say you were?

There is always something they will always remember about you. Sadly, if you were a person of bad character they will remember you for simply that. If you were a person of good character they will remember just that.  Again this begs the question, what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

In case you still maintain that you do not care what people will say about you after you are dead and gone I want to challenge you further. What will God say about you? Will he be proud of the kind of life you are living?

My friend, we have a high calling. We are called to exercise godliness. We are called to be like Christ, holy and righteous. We are called to point people to Christ through our lives. We have to preach through our lives more than our words. We are called to lead people to life – eternal life.

Before his death, Moses left a legacy for the Israelites. He gave them God’s law in the form of a book.  He commanded that this book should be read to ALL people so that they would learn to fear the Lord and it was to be obeyed in every detail. It was to be taken to heart.  It was to be passed from generation to generation.  

He lived his last 40 years declaring the Word of God to his people and that is all he could give to them. He said, “These instructions are not empty words – they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life in the land you will occupy when you cross the Jordan River.” (Deuteronomy 32:47). Today he is remembered for what is known as the Law of Moses.

What legacy are you going to leave for the people close to you? You are living that legacy now.