Thursday, May 14, 2015

Living An Impactful Life - Part 2

It scares me when I hear people saying they are better off without Christians in their midst. It really pains me when I hear people saying they have lost confidence in Christians. And my friend, I have heard that many times.

If you happen to be one of those people, I just want to assure you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. Don't lose confidence in Him.

Thinking about Jesus, I am reminded that during His earthly ministry He came through for many who had lost hope. Those who desperately needed Him were  touched by His compassionate heart and were saved - physically and spiritually.

In our last post we talked about a woman named Dorcas whose life was a blessing to the less privileged. The people who were impacted by her life were desperately hopeless in her death. But when they heard that Peter was around, they had confidence in him that he will bring a solution hence they requested him to come as soon as possible.

We learn that living an impactful life will land you into difficult situations and you must be the solution. When people see you they see hope. When people see you they will know their problems will be solved. They will leave it all to you. They will say, "Ngoba sekukhona wena konkhe sekulungile." (Now that you are here all is well).

That is not easy. In fact, it's scary. I don't know what was in Peter's mind when he was called to 'solve the problem' (Dorcas' death). These people wanted their beloved one alive, end of story! He had to make a difference.

He could have said, "She is dead, there is nothing I can do," and settle with strengthening them with comforting words. But as a man whose mission was to make an impact, he had to take a leap of faith and go beyond the ordinary.

This scene draws us into Peter's secret. To live an impactful life, he knew his Creator. That's why before he did anything, he had to have a one-on-one talk with the Giver of life. He ordered everyone out and knelt down and prayed. What happened after that was extraordinary and supernatural. Dorcas came back to life. This news spread throughout the town, Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord. What an impact!

If we are to live an impactful life, we must know the Author of life. We must have a strong and deep relationship with the Author of life. We must depend upon the Author of life!

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