Monday, October 12, 2015

Keeping His Word

At one point Jesus was teaching and a woman, probably amazed by the wisdom from this Man screamed in the midst of the crowd blessing the womb that carried Jesus and the breast that nursed Him. Listen to what the Lord said; “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word and keep it,” (Luke 11:28).

We have seen in the previous post that we communicate with our Lord best through His word. There is no point in hearing or reading the word and then fail to do as it says. Keeping the word does not only mean preserving it but it means also obeying it – doing as it says.

Failing to do the word of God is simply failing to walk in the light. We are still in darkness and because there is no darkness in the Lord therefore we are not worthy to fellowship with Him.

The Master Himself rebuked the multitudes, “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). Jesus went on to illustrate that failing to keep his word is like setting yourself for destruction.

He likened someone who obeys his word to a man building a house, who digs down and lays the foundation on a rock. When a flood comes the house is not swept away because it has a rock solid foundation. However, the one who hears the word and do not do anything is like a man who builds a house without a foundation and is easily swept off by the flood and left in great damage.

What a vast difference! The word of the Lord is the solid foundation of our relationship with God. When we obey the word of the Lord we are safe because no matter what comes our way we shall remain unshaken and strong. More than that, God is pleased with us and his love is complete in us. “But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him,” (1 John 2:5).

Our desire is to be in Him all the time and the only way is to keep His word. There is no fellowship without love. That is why in order to know that we are truly in fellowship with Him we need to be perfected (matured) in love and this comes by keeping His word. Keeping His word means being obedient to His commands and the greatest commandment is that we should love one another as the Lord loved us. Jesus says that if we keep this word He will know that we are His disciples.

So basically this is the deal that Jesus puts on the table; ‘You keep my word I know that you are my disciple and you know that you are in Me.’ 

That is the assurance we have to say truly our fellowship is with the Lord. We are all God’s children as Christians and if we love one another we are demonstrating our love for Him. That is why Jesus said if we love Him we will keep His commandments.

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